Homestead Homeowners Association

Full information about place Establishment "Homestead Homeowners Association" at 120 Homestead Drive, Columbus, Mansfield, NJ 08022. Find out the full address, phone number, opening hours, customer reviews, map and photos.



120 Homestead Drive, Columbus, Mansfield, NJ 08022
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+1 609-298-3012

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Reviews about Homestead Homeowners Association

  • Edward Butka
    Apr, 27 2018
    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
    I am not only a home owner in Homestead, but I am also a realtor. So, I speak from my perspective and the perspective of many clients who purchased and sold in Homestead.

    The community is very diversified. You can purchase a home anywhere from $140,000 to $350,000. There is a full time manager on site which is supported by a full time assistant. So service is generally very responsive.

    While no community can give you 100% security, the "gated entry" provides another level of security for its residents.

    Many people are surprised to learn that they can buy a home in Homestead and be under age 55! Of course there are limitations, but there are a substantial amount of home owners that live here that are under age 55 and still work.

    One of the key benefits of the community is its club house and activity directors. Most people are shocked to see how large of a club house there is. The ball room can accommodate 400 people.

    The activities they provide are second to none in the area. They have two employees in the activities area that are there to service the residents. You can go anywhere from the mall to China! There are too many activities and trips to mention.

    If you want to take a look around the community, let me know and I will be happy to guide you. Go to Zillow and look me up in Columbus, New Jersey.
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